Stock Market

We are here to help you when it comes to investment in Equities directly through Stock Market wherein you buy stock/shares of Companies listed on NSE/BSE.

We are in direct association with Sunidhi Securities and Finance Ltd.for Bihar and Jharkhand state, which is a stock broking enterprise offers high-quality services to financial institutions, banks, corporates, HNIs, retail clients, and individual

Note: Option to become business associate (Franchisee or remiser)* Call +91-94317-01249

A/c opening free equity, commodity, currency#*
Delay payment charges relaxation according to portfolio.
Attractive & Competitive Limit and Exposure*
Brokerage lower than comparative market
Option to become business associate (Franchisee or remiser)
Trading platform*
Mobile App,Web portal,ODIN Diet,C&T
Research report on WhatsApp*
Time to time seminars for investors and associates by company*
Chart study training to track stocks movement*
Research support in all segment equity, commodity, currency*

get in touch

Please get in touch with us for your investment and financial needs

our office info
Chirondi Near Science City, Morabadi, Ranchi-834006
B.O :Ratu Road, Ranchi/ Katras- Dhanbad
Sitemap: :Click here
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